Friday 19 June 2020

RESEARCH : Why Is A Trailer Made?

A Trailer is commonly made to inform a public audience of the existence, premise and USP's of your film or show. It is commonly stylised to appeal to the audience that the film would be trying to reach, for example a trailer for a horror film would likely follow conventions of dark shadows looming over the monster.

A trailer must :
- inform the viewers of your premise
- show enough information to get your viewers invested in the film or show.
- withhold enough information to make your viewers want to watch the film/show ( it is common for it to be a question that will be answered in the film for example, who is the murderer, will the hero accomplish his/her goal, etc).

alongside the above trailers are often used to inform people of three main things :
-The genre of the story
-The hooks of the story
-The characters in the story.

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