Wednesday 3 June 2020

RESEARCH : Introduction To Trailers

How do you find out about films?

I find out about films through multiple different methods, primarily consisting of recommendations from friends and family, as well as trailers and reviews by people on the internet. This helps me to find films that I would never have found or even considered otherwise. One of the primary ways that I find films are the trailers that stream on YouTube and the trailers that play before the films at the cinema. 

What makes you want to see a film?

If the film has an interesting premise or someone I personally like (e.g. Christopher Nolan) was involved with the film then I'll be more likely to watch it. I also am inclined to watch something if it received high reviews on a film website such as Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB or looks appealing in the trailers on sites I've previously mentioned. For an example of  a trailer that would make me want to watch the film would be the trailer below for Christopher Nolan's new movie Tenet, which provides a fresh concept and seemingly good execution.

How do I know what to expect from a film?

I know what to expect from a film by looking at the description and watching the trailer for the film. This means that I will be able to understand the genre the story will be, the plot of the story and the different conventions the film will employ.

What am I paying for when I buy a cinema ticket?

When I buy a movie ticket I expect the film to pay for the expectations built by the trailers and pay off the ideas shown in the trailers. I also expect for the film to stick to the themes that were shown in the trailers otherwise I would come out of the film feeling dissatisfied.

Are there films I have to see in cinema or does it not really matter?

To me it doesn't really matter, I feel that whilst the cinema experience is objectively better than watching on streaming services or DVD's it wouldn't change my experience of the film itself, if anything it feels better as I am on my own or surrounded by people that understand basic cinema etiquette and not ruin the experience, and it happens reasonably frequently. So I cannot say that I would say there are any films that I have to see in cinema.


  1. Very good. Do you expect a particular audience experience, with specific pleasures, from cinema? Such as Dolby Surround Sound, the huge screen, the sense of a social occasion, sharing, the chance to be introduced to other films by trailers?

    1. It is not something that I expect, but it is a nice touch to add to the experience


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