Thursday 31 December 2020

CONSTRUCTION : Filming 1 - Action Sequences

Members of the production team (and actors) met on 27th of October to start the first filming shoot. Discussions had taken place in class to determine what type of genre of film we wanted to make but no clear decisions had been made on the plot because it wasn't fully developed. The focus was on capturing general footage that suit the tropes of the genre we wanted to portray. 

This filming session was focused around filming the transitions that could be used to show the characters moving around the setting, allowing audiences to gain a glimpse of the characters and making sure that the transitions were clean, as well as work on the actual narrative for the story.  

An idea was to use light from the torches to cause over exposure to the camera and then when the camera's focus shifts it would reveal the characters. It was felt this would make for a more interesting introdcution to the characters rather than just straightforward static introduction. A great idea from the team on the day but unfortunately the light from the torches caused some shots to be dark and blurred and meant that the characters weren't perhaps revealed as well as they could have been. 

Overall the team took a lot of useable footage that can be used and incorportated into our final film.

1 comment:

  1. Write in a more critically objective way about the challenges and how you tackled them.


Welcome Moderator

ALEX WAIN CANDIDATE NUMBER : 1779 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 Hello moderator, I worked with Charlie Slorick 1770 and Thomas Hutchinson...