Monday 24 August 2020

RESEARCH : Trailer Analysis, American Sniper




1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. You analyse how the biographical war drama film genre is conveyed through mise-en-scene, camerawork and the balance of sound / silence such as realistic diegetic sound, key dialogue and tense silence. You pick up on the way in which this is a new type of war film, one that examines a sniper's personal conscience, and you grasp that this is conveyed as an important source of tension - the inner battle is foregrounded as much as the conflict on the ground. You note that this is achieved partly through the editing - the cross cutting to the sniper's personal life. You make thoughtful comments about the potential appeal of the personal backstory to the female demographic.
    One inter title establishes the biographical, historical background of the story - an important element creating authenticity. Your sense of personal engagement in this gripping trailer which creates such intensity is clear.


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